Sunday 17 April 2011

Friday Update - Fan Friday & More...

If your going to have a Fan Friday, this is the way to do it.

Normally we get the great fan art, and a little info on something else. Also the Q&A sections have mostly covered information we have already had a number of times. I know there are new people joining the the forums all the time, so may need to know some of the things that have come and gone in the past.
Though most if not all of the info covered in Q&A, can be found quite easily by doing a quick search.
This time we got some real info, that has, to my knowledge, not been covered before.


Corellian Run Radio Won this months Fan Site Spotlight place. I've followed and listened since before the first PodCast, and can say it could not happen to a nicer group of people.
Gratz to the girls, and long may it continue.

Fan Art 

This time we get art from - Ardenyr, Mezzidriel and KazeKat respectively. The last pic, was taken before finished, such was the desire to publish it, can't wait to see the final product.

 Forum Icons

These have to be the best so far -  


New Fan Site Kit

It's been talked about for some time now, but at long last it has arrived, pick you Fan Site Kit up Here.

2 more Polls grace the forums also -

 Studio Insider: Environment Polish

This little picture made my day. Not that it is of epic proportions or anything. The fact that I liked the first plain grey one, and would be more than happy to see this in-game. They have turned it into a work of art, all on it's own. 
It all goes to show, how other MMO's in the past, will let you settle for and enjoy environment art as it is, that BioWare, will polish the hell out of.I know a lot of this stuff will be missed, or not noticed as we run through the many worlds. 
But with polish like this, it can only heighten the playing experience, in letting you be part of that Star Wars world.

The Studio Insider and the Q&A can be found here

As we all wait for more info on TOR. This Fridays update will at the very least, tide us over for yet another long week, until the next update.

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