Thursday 14 April 2011

This Weeks News Round Up

I'd like to start a weekly review of the past weeks more interesting news, and fun stuff that I have seen.

I will not be posting the complete run down of the events here, for those that are interested in any of them, I will link to the relevant sites. I'm sure most of would have seen some, if not all of these, this is more of a recap and for those that, unlike me, hunt down each and every post when it comes to SWTOR.
Nor will report on the regular PodCasts, and coverage of the Friday updates, form all the fan sites I follow. This will be filled with things that may have missed, stuff that may have slipped through the net, and are unrelated to the Fridays updates. 

So lets get to it.

This week would not be complete if I did not add this little girl, turning to the Darkside. So cute :)

Facebook image of the week


Corellian run Radio - Have a Pax East interview with James Ohlen.
TorWars - Have this little telling article - BioWare Docs Talk SWTOR Open Beta Confirmation ?
SWTOR Hispano - Alerted us to this little just gem via Twitter, the Aurebesh Translator, not sure if they made this or just linked to the site. But its darn good all the same.
Darth Hater - DH is taking on more staff, for those that have always wanted to be part of a large fan site, should skip over there to see what its all about.

And on a bonus level, I can also use the space to link to my latest articles over at Swtor-Life :)
Well, you would do the same LOL

The Jedi Consular Class Song
TORs Swiss Amy Knife Class System

Well that's all for this week, I hope you found something new in all this, if so my job is done.

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